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Barbero cura su adicción cortando el pelo a vagabundos

martes, 7 julio 2015 - 06:34

Hace 4 años, Nasir Sobhani gastaba más de 300 dólares al día en cocaína, pero la vida le dio una segunda oportunidad.
Ahora lleva 3 años limpio y, para demostrar su gratitud, pasa los domingos recorriendo las calles de Melbourne regalando cortes de pelo a vagabundos. Lo llaman el “Barbero de las Calles”.
En un pequeño documental de PLGRM, él cuenta que lo hace porque considera que es una manera de devolverles la dignidad y, quizá, inspirarles a volver a empezar. No es casual que su servicio se llame Clean Cut, Clean Start (Corte Limpio, Comienzo Limpio).
Para él también es una forma de terapia. “Cortar el pelo se ha convertido en mi nueva forma de colocarme, en mi nueva droga”, dice en el vídeo. Por ello, después de trabajar seis días a la semana en una barbería de su ciudad dedica su único día de fiesta a cortar el pelo gratis en la calle.
Pero no solo ejerce de peluquero, sino que también se convierte en su psicólogo, ofreciéndoles la interacción humana que tanto necesitan.
Además de su propia recuperación, su otra gran fuente de inspiración son los principios de la Fe Bahá'í, una religión originaria de Irán que enfatiza la unidad espiritual de toda la raza humana.
Sobhani utiliza su cuenta de Instagram para recoger las historias personales de quienes les corta el pelo, así como para transmitir sus ideas y motivaciones para seguir adelante con su proyecto.

This is Ganesh. He is 34 years old and has one daughter. He immigrated to Australia with his mother and brother almost 20 years ago - his father abandoned them in Fiji. Upon arrival at the age of 15, he met a girl. He fell head over heels for her, and she soon became his first love. They got a home together and had a baby daughter. Things were great for him until he found out she was having an affair. After finding out, he didn't leave her - she left him. After she left, she took his daughter with her and then his home. Distraught, broken, and alone, he was forced to live on the streets in his misery. He took up heroin in order to try his best to mask the pain of heartbreak. To this day he says - 10 years later - he's still not over her and hasn't been able to settle down. Thankfully, by the grace of his mother's love she took him into her home and did her best to do what a mother does best - nurture her youngest son. Since then, he has become a full-time carer for his oldest brother Vic (future story) and does his best to try and kick his occasional heroin habit - which has been too hard to kick since his time on the streets. The last time he tried getting a haircut the clipper died halfway through his cut, so he was forced to wear an unfinished cut. When I asked him what he wanted me to do, he said "whatever you want bro, just help make my beard look clean because I want to keep it". So I hooked him up with with a skin fade, beard trim, a line up, and put aftershave on him to not only feel fresh but to look fresh too. When I showed him the mirror, I took a video of his reaction. Make sure to check it out :) #cleancutcleanstart #thestreetsbarberproject #thestreetsbarber

Una foto publicada por Nasir Sobhani (@thestreetsbarber) el

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