Pequeño con cáncer cumple su sueño de conocer a La Roca

Diana Romero
Foto: Instagram


">spués de varios meses de espera, Gabriel 'Tater' Singleton pudo conocera a su héroe, The Rock.


En febrero pasado, el portal Mashable compartió la historia de este niño, que con un cartel escrito a mano, pedia a la gente compartirlo para tener la oportunidad de conocer a Dwayne Johnson (La Roca). La

">semana pasada, el deseo de Singleton se hizo realidad.



The big moment where we surprised lil' 7yr old cancer warrior named "Tater" with his own #BAYWATCH movie poster! I wish you guys could've seen his face when I turned this frame around. When I told him "we're all so inspired by you, especially me" and looked down at him and saw him lookin' up at me, nodding his head with those big eyes.. good Lord I almost lost it in front of him and the whole damn crew. (that actually happened to me once before when I was accepting an award on stage and as I thanked my family, I just happened to catch my daughter Simone's eyes and sweet cheese on an ice cream sammich I almost lost it again). I did exactly what I did here.. paused, gazed into space like a crazy man and told myself "you better hold it together dammit", shook it off and proceeded to continue. Despite my almost tearing up like a baby and ruining my tough guy image, the greatest and I think most beautiful irony about Tater, is that this very special little boy has no idea just how much he inspires all of us around him. One day he will. #OnSet #OurWholeBaywatchCrew #UnforgettableMoment #LiveLikeTater #AndRocksDontCry * special thank you our good buddy and one of Hollywood's greatest photographers @jaimietrueblood and the @forthewinproject charity creating this awesome poster for Tater.

Un vídeo publicado por therock (@therock) el


Singleton ha estado luchando contra un neuroblastoma durante cuatro años y ha tenido varias intervenciones quirúrgicas, transfusiones de sangre, así como numerosos tratamientos de quimioterapia. 

">Singleton incluso tenía camisetas personalizadas impresas para la ocasión. Una de ellas decía "Fuerte como la roca".